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Where are people buying their dahlia tubers?

I mean the bagged kind you start yourself: not the potted kind. I usually buy them from local nurseries. But those are all closed down due to the COVID-19 closure of non-essential businesses. I have checked with a few for curbside pickup: but they are not doing it for summer bulbs. I need caladiums too. They take a long time to wake up: so I need to get moving on them.

I start them indoors – usually by now, in mid April - to get a jump on blooms. If I plant them directly in the ground, they will start blooming right about the time we get a frost in zone 5b.

I like the smaller, shorter varieties like 36” tall or less: not the 48” tall so called “dinner plates”. The latter require too much effort staking, and bloom too late. The whole early frost thing.

I have NOT had good luck ordering online: the 3 times I’ve tried (3 different companies), they arrived with so many broken necks they were worthless. None EVER bloomed.

Had anyone had good luck with a particular source? I’m not such a big dahlia aficionado that it would pay to buy them from the $$ specialist growers: especially as I don’t store them over winter. I have tried to do that numerous times, and it doesn’t work for me.


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