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Stay at home, work from home, bored at home

So I started a bunch of seeds for under the lights. Lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, cutting celery. Just a few of a number of different types. There has been quite an explosion of sprouting broccoli in several colors, cauliflower, too. About half a dozen of each type, total of 144 cells in two trays. I know it is probably later than it should be, but there has been quite a bit of distraction from everything recently, hasn't there been?

I plan to treat my main bed as a 5' wide flower border mixing and matching for looks and height as well as for yield, anchored with staked tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, and trellised cucumbers and butternut squash. We shall see what we shall see.

In these confinement times, the garden outside and my light garden inside are the anchors for my sanity....

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