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Disturbing news from friend (physical therapist) in Utah

4 years ago

I talked with my friend Greg today, who had called me yesterday to give me an update on his situation. Greg is 67 and is a physical therapist in St. George, Utah. He typically works in nursing homes, and he became concerned with his safety in the past two or three weeks and started wearing his own mask, gloves, and goggles when seeing his patients. The nursing home was not providing any protective equipment for the workers, but Greg did not want to take unnecessary chances. However, some of the patients complained, and the administration told Greg that he was not allowed to wear masks and gloves while taking care of his patients and that he had a choice of not wearing the PPE or not working. Greg chose not to work and decided instead to go into retirement and apply for social security. They did end up allowing him to finish up the week with his mask, since they were short staffed, and then he quit. About a week after that, they called him up and told him he could work there wearing his mask, but he told them that he was not interested. The nursing home is now having all its workers wear masks, but this is a little too late.

I hope this is an isolated incident, but Greg told me that most people are not wearing masks in public in St. George, and Utah does not have a statewide stay at home order. Greg is in very good health, exercises daily, maintains an ideal weight, and takes good care of himself, but he thinks he is a higher risk because of an autoimmune deficiency caused by eczema. He also told me that he has never had a physical exam and does not have a primary care doctor. He has not even been to a dermatologist, and I am concerned for him because he spends too much time in the sun. He told me that all of the doctors that he knows of are Mormon and would not be sympathetic to Greg telling them that he is gay, and so he avoids going. The only reason he stays in Utah is his husband.

I don't know what more advice I can give him, but I did tell him that he needs a primary care physician and that he should sign up for Medicare B, since he will be losing his insurance as of May 1. I also don't know what to advise him about supplementary Medicare insurance. He almost never gets sick (once on a cruise he was sick for one day in Corfu), but he is very frightened by Covid 19.

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