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Amazon Prime has all but disappeared.....a sort of rant I guess...

Lukki Irish
4 years ago

During the past couple of weeks, I’ve had to order several things from Amazon and have noticed that no matter what I order, Prime sales are seldom available. 95% of the results offered are by private sellers and while shipping might still be free, they’re shipped by the seller which changes the return policy. (Not to mention that the prices are much higher too). Delivery times regardless of who’s shipping are 7-10 days at a minimum; Prime sales included.

At first I thought well, like everyone else, they’ve had a cut back in help, as does UPS, but it‘s still not sitting well with me. First, everything I’ve received thus far has been shipped by Amazon and delivered without any shipping delays from UPS. (Which I find to be amazing in itself). Amazon’s posted a disclaimer that says to expect delays and that they’re prioritizing by need, but how do they determine that? For example, last Thursday, I ordered some vitamins my husband needs that really are medically necessary yet, delivery still isn’t expected until the end of next week and they were purchased as a Prime item.

I completely understand the shortages in product and empathize with what the employees must be going through, I’m in no way placing blame on them. However, from a business perspective only, as Prime members we pay for the benefit of quick turnaround and now millions of Prime Members are obviously not getting what they’ve paid for. Amazon’s fault or not, do you think it’s unreasonable to feel that some kind of a refund or prorating of their annual fee should be offered by Amazon?

I can’t help but wonder what percentage of their Trillion dollar income is the result of Prime fees. KWIM?

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