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DCOS orchid show NJ

So, this was my first orchid show visit ever. Deep Cut Orchid Society's annual orchid show and sale at Dearborn Market's garden center in Holmdel. The displays were great and a ton of blooms of all kinds. The big surprises were the gigantic sizes of some cats and cymbidiums (both blooms and plants) but also the tiny Vanda alliance hybrids. In fact there weren't very many regular sized Vandas. Also, I was expecting more specimen of the type that have larger clusters of blooms). I took many pics, (they were all so photogenic) not bothering with names much. Those on sale were pretty good and not too pricey but I just got back from India and was browsing the online stores there so they all seemed way too expensive. Anyhow, I got a tiny kingianum for 20 bucks and resisted temptation to spend 100s. I might be smuggling back a dozen orchids next time I go to India!

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