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Retreading Main Stairwell - Sound Dampening?

5 years ago

So my wife and I are beginning to make some improvements to our home, both to meet our aesthetic tastes as well as to prepare for a possible sale in the future. Our main stairwell was covered by cheap carpet until Saturday when we pulled it. Unfortunately, it was a contractor grade mess beneath. Clearly never built to be presented, only carpeted. As such, there are gaps of varying width between the wall and the treads, which themselves are made of 2x10(ish) leftover wood. Some are cracked; some risers have holes in them. So, I’m pulling them all and replacing with 2x12 for treads (likely pine) and common pine for the risers. No staining; painting the treads and risers as well. I’ll likely measure and custom cut each board to fit in hopes of sealing the staircase to cut down on sound now that carpet is gone.

So, question is ultimately, is there something like an acoustic damper or the like I can install under the treads to further dampen sound? Budget is a consideration, if the 2x12 common didn’t already tell you that.

Appreciate any advice or feedback. Width of stairs are 40”, so between the odd width and the price, retreads or caps aren’t an option, which also knocks out traditional hardwoods that might work to naturally dampen sound(?). There is a center stringer as well, so I figure between the three stringers and the 2” board depth (mimicking what’s already there), safety won’t be an issue.

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