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Avocado Tree in Container Help

Douglas Goldfein
4 years ago

Hello, I have a Hass avocado tree in a container out on my porch. It will eventually be moved to the ground when I get a house, but for now it is doing great on the porch. I have included a picture. I live in San Jose, CA and last night it hit 36 degrees. I don't have it covered because it never got that cold before. That isn't quite frost temp but it is getting close. I am going out of town for the holidays (2weeks) and I won't be around to help it. Would it be safe if I dragged it inside? The container is like 2ft wide. I have a large window that gets direct sunlight from 7am to 1ish.

I took these pictures this morning before I left and it wasn't bright out yet. I can add more later.

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