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Wh Grindley Heirloom Pottery bowl

5 years ago

Trying to find this pattern of WH Grindley pottery passed down in my family. My family is originally from England. My grandma was giving away this bowl and i was intrigued so i started some research But have yet to find my exact pattern.

there is a blue and white pattern with the same edging and design that my all white or ivory bowl has. I will post both my all white bowl, stamp, and the similar blue and white bowl.

I have tried googling for hours, multiple times. my searches include: WH Grindley stamps, WH Grindley white (also ivory) scallop beaded bowl, WH Grindley history. I have also searched through a lot of patterns on websites and have yet to see my pattern. I am not familiar with pottery or China, could the blue and white patterns wear off?

any help would be appreciated. Any points in the tight direction would be a blessing.

thank you

My bowl

The stamp

Bowl with edging, patterns, and scalloping similar to mine. This could be my exact bowl except for the blue coloring.

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