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A very personal/sensitive question for parents of boys.

I hope this isn't inappropriate to post, but my husband and I are grappling with the question of whether to have Bastian circumcised and I don't really have any mom friends to ask about this (most of my friends don't have kids and those that do have them had daughters).

We don't like making this decision about his bodily autonomy for him, and are concerned about the psychological impact of the procedure. But we're also concerned about not doing it both because of cultural norms and my understanding is there are some health advantages to doing it.

I am wondering for moms of boys, what did you guys do? And if you did it, how was the recovery process and how did the baby do afterwards? We have to make the decision soon -- within the first 2 weeks or his pediatrician cannot do it and it becomes a more major surgery. I would appreciate any words of wisdom you guys might be willing to share...

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