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A couple of pictures from the RBG rose garden this afternoon

We went to RBG this afternoon for a brief visit to see how the redesigned/renovated rose garden planted last summer is doing. If last year was 'the first year it sleeps' and this year is 'the second year it creeps', next year will be crazy when it hits 'the third year it leaps'! There are some companion plants that will, I expect, start being problems re being too vigorous about spreading... :-) There was a wonderful rosey scent wafting over the garden and lots of butterflies of various sorts fluttering about. The original rose garden was 'The Centennial rose garden' as it opened in Canada's centennial year - 1967. The rock garden that was renovated a few years ago dates back to the 1930s. The other major ornamental garden is the Laking Garden which originated in the mid 1940s (and was named Laking garden in the early 1980s in honor of a retiring significant staff person at RBG.) I wonder if that garden is next up for some rejuvenating?

The pictures:

Looking across to the teahouse on entering the garden:

To the left of the teahouse:

Looking down a cross-path towards the water feature in the center of the garden:

I'm envious of all the gaura in the beds! I have never got that to survive here - and look at this patch of it!!

This is one heck of a big garden to maintain so it'll be interesting to see how well maintenance is done as time goes on...! RBG has a 'wedding tent' nearby this area where weddings are regularly held in summer - there were two weddings there today and the rose garden was being used for the wedding photos. That should be an incentive to keep the garden well-maintained!

If you're near RBG, the rose garden is certainly worth a visit.

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