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how much sun&water for new fig air layer transplants?

3-4 weeks ago I air layered figs. Yesterday I saw roots. Not a huge amount of roots but I figured I'd get them in soil instead of the vermiculite/perlite/moss they've been air layered in.

I put them in 3 or 5 gallon pots (with holes in bottom) with native soil plus some sand and a bit of milorganite 6-4-0 slow release. My native soil is quite dense but drains and roots decently (never had a problem starting hundreds of vegetable seeds in it). I also mulched 3".

this is zone 6-7 new jersey which figs can barely live in - they prefer warmer. So I figured I'd give these new transplants as much sun as possible for this zone. I still only gave them about half a day direct sun for their first day potted but now today the next day the leaves are all dropping and looks dying.

I only watered them once yesterday when potted and figure I'd water them about once every 3 days.

Should I put them in a shadier spot or something or water more?

The transplants look like this (pics taken yesterday before the dropping problem from today can be seen), I abandoned that thread because apparently it's too lengthy for anyone's interest:


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