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Carrera marble shower is turning grey.

kimberlee kelly
4 years ago

I recently had my shower remodeled. Almost immediately, 5 of the hexagon floor tiles started turning grey. I called out my contractor and he said marble is a porous stone and I obviously sealed it incorrectly. However, the area continues to grow and is now moving up the walls. I have carefully inspected the floor and did not find any cracks in the grout. However, there are several holes in the grout on the walls. I called my contractor out again. He still insists the darkening due to my improper sealing of the marble. Although he admits the grout job is bad, he insists it is not the cause of the darkening. He said the pan is designed to have water flow and the cracks in the grout would not be causing the problem. (All the blue tape is areas where grout is cracked or holes.)

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