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Started too soon. Start over?

Chris Reher, z5b
5 years ago


Well, with the promise of an early spring and generally unable to wait, I started my seedlings too early. (Don't say it) Zone 5 Ontario.

I have just one flat under a small growing light (the Jiffy kit)

Now the roots are out of room and my amaranthus is flopping over. The zinnas are okay as I've pinched them back but I'm actually seeing flower buds! These are supposed to be the giant sort that I never seem to find in the nurseries. I added soil around the jiffy pods but this still isn't great.

So now what? I have a small cold frame outside (plastic over metal bars, visible behind that chair) but it's currently 45F and no hope of getting warmer for another week or two.

Should I scrap this and start over? I'm especially keen on growing amaranthus this summer for some reason. My window space is limited, with really just one south-facing window available.

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