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Help me remember an important name before I make a fool out of myself

5 years ago

This has never happened before and I don't chalk it up to getting older. DS has a serious girlfriend and I don't spend all that much time with her...yet. I'm like my dad who could never remember names.

When DS and I talk about her, half the time I call her by the wrong name. He immediately corrects me. Fortunately I've never made the mistake with the girlfriend.

I won't give her real name but here's an example. Her name is Krerry but I keep calling her Merry. See the difference between the first two letters of the names? The only thing I can think of is Merry rolls easily off the tongue while Krerry doesn't.

I don't know any other Krerry's or Merry's IRL, and there are no famous people with the same name and when I do think of a hint to remember, I forget it. Maybe it is old age. :)

I've thought about emailing Krerry and give her a head's up. Sorry for the silly names I came up with, it's 4am and I'm on my first cup of covfefe. ;)

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