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Brunfelsia A.KA. Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Ted Neumann
5 years ago

Back in 2015 Linda (Sents_From_Heaven) bought a Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Plant, and due to the Hot and Dry spring and summer of 2017 it died, along with her 6 Rose Plants despite getting watered at 7:00AM, and 7PM, like Linda would always do, I was hoping to bring it down to mom and dad’s in the West Palm Beach area (Boynton Beach). In 2018 Mom and Dad’s HOA got new Landscapers and a neighbor who’s backyard faces our back yard had one, and those evil things dug it up, guess who took it, and re-planted it, yep me, it is half dead, and half alive, so I hope it will make it, it made one Bloom back in Dec. so I think it is coming back, but I noticed it did not look like nor bloom like Linda’s, so I am wondering, if there is more species, but just incase I have to get rid of it, and replace it, I want what Linda got in 2015 so maybe y’all can help me figure out what Linda had, and I can see if Home Depot can get them, or if you know who might have one like Linda’s The Pics are below

This is Linda's 2015

This is the one I Re-planted from the Neighbors in 2018

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