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Please help me style this room from scratch!

6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

We've been renovating the lower level of our split-level house, and just had tile put down. Aside from our elliptical, it needs to be styled from scratch, and quick! I am soooooo ready to have this project finished... it's been a year-long headache.

Here is the room now. (Please excuse that we haven't gotten the baseboards back in yet, or the kitchenette installed!)

Double doors along the left wall lead out to the patio.

Better angle to show the double doors to the patio and the back wall.

There will be a kitchenette in the nook shown above. We're working on installing the cabinets, but it'll look approximately like this:

Here's my rough photoshop mockup of potential furniture to fill the room. I don't own anything yet, except the elliptical, which needs to fit parallel along the far right wall.

My favorite color is aqua, and I want a bright, airy feel. Aqua/white/grey color scheme. The walls are a warm grey/greige, and trim is pure white.

Any suggestions for improving the choices above (couch, end tables, lamp, curtains, rugs)? I've bought the rugs pictured (a 6.5x9 rug under the couch and a matching 2.5x6 runner for under the elliptical), but they're being shipped and I haven't seen them in person yet. I can return if they're not right for the space. Sorry that I couldn't really do the right perspective on the elliptical or runner mockup, just pasting in stock photos. Along the back wall is 15.5 feet. With 3.5 feet along the right wall for the elliptical, I've got about 12 feet of space to play with for a couch and end tables.

1) Are the end tables too big, too fancy?

2) Is the lamp too modern?

Any input is appreciated!

Comments (41)

  • PRO
    6 years ago
    Could you post a sketch of the space noting those dimensions along with length of sofa, size of white cabinets and size of footprint of your elliptical machine. My initial impression is it is a lot of furniture for this size space. Plus you need walkway space so a sketch will help.
    lynnstrider thanked Flo Mangan
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Unless the elliptical is strictly for looks, don’t put that runner under it; just imagine the sweat drip, drip, dripping on it...YUCK!

    That’s all I got. :)

    Wait: it turns out I have more! Regarding the lamp: the style is fine, but it’s way too small. The tables are pretty and seem to be the right scale. The curtains should be long enough to be hung just below the ceiling, and the panels should be voluminous enough so that when the curtains are closed they don’t flatten out. Also, the rod should extend at least 6” beyond the sides of the windows. And for a more a finished look, layer a woven wood shade (outside-mount) under the curtains. You’ll want to hang it just below the curtain rod so that you eliminate the dead wall space between the top of the window and the ceiling.

    Okay, that’s really all I got. (Probably, anyway.)

    lynnstrider thanked Sammy
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    Congratulations on the new home! Here are a few thoughts as you start: If I were to get a sectional, I’d look for one that would “L” the other direction so you’re taking in the fireplace and the lovely window view. Right now the sectional blocks the window a bit. I would pull the chair in to be part of the conversation grouping as well. Your room can fit a sectional, but I prefer separate pieces anyway. They allow more flexibility in the future if you redecorate or move. If it were me, I’d have a sofa opposite the fireplace with a couple of upholstered chairs with a side table between at the end of the couch toward the kitchen. (Leaving space for traffic and stools.) A love seat could work there as well. Another pair of occasional chairs or armless slipper chairs could flank the fireplace or pair up at the other end of the sofa. Make sure when you’re testing wall colors that you look at it with the floor. Your honey color wood will be beautiful, but it may make colors look more vibrant and primary than you’re expecting. I hope some of that helps! Best of luck.
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  • 6 years ago

    Flo, I apologize for my poor sketching skills. Here is the best I can do (not to scale very well, but lengths are noted).

    Back wall 15.5 feet.

    Elliptical is 6 feet long, 18 inches wide, but needs 3 feet for the full handlebars.

    The white cabinets are 26" wide, 32" tall, 12" deep.

    The sofa is 90" wide.

  • 6 years ago

    Sammy, thanks so much for the curtains advice. Hanging curtains (height of rod, width, etc) is a total mystery to me, and I appreciate your guidance!

    The elliptical sometimes thumps/bounces (especially if I take too big of a stride or wander off-balance), so I thought I'd use a rug to cushion it from making loud bumps against the tile, and to protect the tile floor. If it gets sweaty, it'll be for a good cause!

    How tall of a lamp should I be looking for? I made the one in the photoshop below a little bigger, but am not sure how to translate it to the right size for shopping. If the cabinet is 32" tall, am I looking for a lamp that is 2 feet tall? Taller?

    Also, what do you think I should be seeking for dimensions of art above the sofa? I am leaning toward this gorgeous geode square canvas print, if it coordinates as well as I think it might. It's going to look a little off-balance, since the window will be behind 1/3 of the sofa. If I get a square painting over the left side of a 90" couch, how big should it be?

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Also, if I go with this setup, should a painting be centered on the wall between the corner and the window?

    Or to the right of that, centered halfway between the right edge of the lamp and the left edge of the curtains?

    Or even farther to the right, centered between left edge of the couch (left arm) and left edge of the curtains?

    Lastly, if it helps, the same artist has a similar agate painting, and I could get a second square canvas, if I need to create a rectangle shape. I don't like the second painting as much as the first, but maybe I need a rectangle?

  • PRO
    6 years ago
    Ok great. I will play with this tomorrow. Nite nite time!
    lynnstrider thanked Flo Mangan
  • 6 years ago

    Thanks, Flo! I appreciate your time, and I look forward to your insight!

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Good morning!

    So tell me, Lynn, besides body sculpting, what will you be using this space for? I assume that since there’s a kitchenette instead of a full kitchen that this is more of a secondary living space. Also, as your internet friend, I can’t let you purchase those agate canvases; they’re too match-y match-y and generic.

    lynnstrider thanked Sammy
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    you're a good friend, Sammy..)))

    to all of us lol))

    I agree-we need to know how you'll use the space..maybe side tables are too fancy, maybe not..maybe the couch is more for sitting, maybe for lounging..usually some couches are better fot lounging, some for sitting straight..depend on the person/family as well

    Do you need something else in the room? will it be for TV watching? reading? games? occasional guests to spend the night, and the couch is a sleeper one?

    lamp should be bigger I think

    I wouldn't try to keep colors so tightly matching..you want at least many different textures so the light would hit the fabrics differently, and they'll give out feel of different depth or shade of color because of that..otherwise very strict color schemes tend to fall too flat, so to say

    texture is always good, but the less colors you have the more important it becomes

    you can vary fabrics in pillows, curtains, add blinds..rug is good..add plants if you can. Lampshade can be also something textured or patterned.

    Granted, I haven't seen your choices in true life, and I realize it's a computer rendering.

    don't hurry with art too much..I know that feeling of wanting to be done, but I also know satisfaction is greater when you hunt for something..or stumble upon it..and it has this story it carries with you, even if just a story of you're meeting it. And it becomes more precious to you. Don't become too much into colors matching thing..nothing wrong with being inspired by certain colors, we all are..but don't let it restrict you..it's art, our "contract" with it is different. Doesn't mean you'll have to wait for months..maybe you'll miraculously "meet" your art today, who knows. Or tomorrow. Saatchi has 15% off prints, for example. (and originals too..but that's usually different money already)

    Other sites that sell art as well have all sorts of deals. I won't go and list all the wonderful vintage sources..unless you want me to..

    lynnstrider thanked aprilneverends
  • PRO
    6 years ago

    I have laid this out to scale and that length sofa for this space with the elliptical is problematic. Have you purchased the sofa? You have one of the French doors opening into the room on the window wall side which means that 2'8"-3' door swing must be accounted for in the layout. (guessing at French door size at 6' width?) You can't get all the furniture you are thinking of in this space. It won't fit. I would do a condo size sofa 72-78" long at most. Then you could do something.

    layouts · More Info

    lynnstrider thanked Flo Mangan
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Thanks, Sammy! I really love the look of that first agate canvas, but I could get a smaller version and put it in a bathroom, rather than have it as the focal point of the room. And I'll definitely skip the second, matchy-matchy one! :)

    What size art should I be looking for?

    This is the lower level of the split-level house, and will be like a mother-in-law-suite. Most of the time, when we don't have company, the space will just be used for the elliptical, and my husband (whose office is on this level of the house) will use the kitchenette for convenient sodas/drinks.

    My family comes from out of town and sometimes stays with us for a week at a time, and when they are here, this space will be our "keep-Mom-from-taking-over-my-upstairs-kitchen" and "keep-Dad-from-taking-over-husband's-TV" sanity-saver. So for several weeks, spread thoughout the year, I need this space to have a comfy seating for mom, dad, and me to watch TV together on the couch without disturbing husband's peace and quiet on the main level, and a big enough fridge to keep my mom from filling our main fridge with all of her stuff. If my mom (or dad) ever has to move in with us, this will be their 'living room'. Or if we ever have kids, this room would be a playroom / hang out space.

    The couch pictured is a sleeper sofa, and could be used if we ever have more guests than can fit in our guestroom (or could be used as the primary guest bed if we have to turn our guestroom into a nursery in the next few years.)

  • PRO
    6 years ago

    In case you have already bought that sofa (hope not!) here is Option 3.

    layouts · More Info
    I am not sure this will work, because I don't know the length of the wall where I have placed the 90" long sofa or the depth of the sofa?? Don't worry, most people don't take into consideration all the things you have to consider when laying out a space. Door swings, walkways, windows, etc. You basically don't have that much room in this space for furnishings. Of course, the elliptical is the elephant in the room and that is a lot of square footage to devote to it, but I realize this is a must for you. These things are just so darn large in terms of their overall footprints.

    lynnstrider thanked Flo Mangan
  • PRO
    6 years ago

    Biggest question? Have you purchased the sofa???

    lynnstrider thanked Flo Mangan
  • PRO
    6 years ago

    Seems above you say you don't have any furnishing yet except the elliptical. The rug sizes will depend on furnishings. I have another idea. brb

    lynnstrider thanked Flo Mangan
  • 6 years ago


    Thanks so much for your wisdom! I answered some of your questions above (i.e., there will be TV-watching in this room, both while we use the elliptical, and while my parents are visiting). A sleeper sofa would be a smart choice for the future, but is not absolutely required yet.

    How tall should a lamp be, on a 32" cabinet?

    I think I will take your advice to heart about waiting on the art. If I can find something for <$50, I'll get something pretty to enjoy for now, but I won't be so attached to it that I would not be able to replace it once I discover something that speaks to me more deeply.

    I could also choose something with a bit more color variation, to give me more to work with in the fabrics and decor in the room. Is this what you mean about not matching the colors so tightly?

  • PRO
    6 years ago

    OK, here is an even better idea.

    layouts · More Info
    I have 4 swivel chairs (use your imagination because I didn't have 4 swivels in my template kit!) around a single ottoman or coffee table. This room can't sit more than 3-4 people but you can get 4 31"x31" swivel chairs in the space and make it a 4 seat arrangement plus with swivels all can swing to the TV if that is desired. Just don't hang the TV too high. Keep it as low as you can and still be viewable over tops of furniture. The squiggly line is the possibility of a drape that goes from in front of the windows around to somewhat hide the elliptical when desired. You can get ceiling mounted tracks for this type drapery. Otherwise, just put a roman shade on that window. With this arrangement, you could do a 8' round rug and that would allow each chair to fit on the rug or close and still allow for nice walkway space. See what you think from all these variations.

    lynnstrider thanked Flo Mangan
  • PRO
    6 years ago

    Art and accessories can come after you decide on main furniture arrangements.

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago


    Thank you so much for all those great ideas!! You are right, I need to go downstairs and check the door swing on that door, and see how much room I've got. I'll go do that and be right back.

    But to answer your biggest question, I have not bought the sofa yet! So that is OK.

    One problem for some of your layouts is that the doorway into the bedroom on the far right wall is only 7 feet away from the wall with the window, so in your Option 2 and 3, we only have 7 feet to play with for the couch.

    Here is a photo showing that wall better, with 7 feet from the corner to the 36" door (we put in a wide door in that bedroom since my mom is not in great health, and we might need wheelchair room someday):

  • PRO
    6 years ago

    Yea, I was afraid of that. So the only way you can do a sofa is on the window wall and that gets cut short by the swing on the French door (3') and the 3' for elliptical on the other end. So in effect you only have 9' total to work with. If you feel you must have a sofa in this space, the largest I would go is a 84" long and that is stretching it. Love seats usually only seat one person, because we like more space between each other in U.S. That's why I thought of the 4 chair arrangement. If you are thinking of this space as a MIL suite down the road, then a simple love seat would work. But then you probably wouldn't keep the elliptical in the space anyway, so I would set it up for the next 4-5 years, unless there is a bigger family need now? I will modify that last drawing showing the 7' wall. Option 4a coming up!

    lynnstrider thanked Flo Mangan
  • PRO
    6 years ago

    layouts · More Info
    Here is modified drawing. I would figure out furnishings first then, work on fabrics, colors, accessories, etc. Since the space is pretty challenging with essentially 3 walls encumbered with openings, etc.

    lynnstrider thanked Flo Mangan
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    I checked the French door downstairs. I have 4 feet from the corner to door, then 6' French doors. If the sofa is not super-deep (i.e., only 36 inches), and if it is placed against the back wall, a couple feet away from the wall with the door, it seems like there will be plenty of room for the door swing. (I just measured it out and opened the door to see how it swings, and I'm sure my husband thought I was crazy for letting all that cold air inside, haha!). Do you really think I can't fit the 90" couch?

    (I was leaning toward this one because it is also a sleeper sofa, which could be used in a pinch. But that's not a requirement, and I could certainly find an 84" couch that I like.)

    Edited to add: I do like your idea of the 4 swivel chairs. That would provide a nice conversation space for visiting with my folks. Do I spy a little curtain hiding the elliptical? You are so clever! My one hesitation with that plan is having to crane the neck directly to the left to see the TV from the elliptical, but I will give this layout some more thought.

  • PRO
    6 years ago
    I am tied up with client right now. On my drawing each square is equal to 1 sq foot. You need some space on each end of sofa so i would do 84” max. Plus you need space for the elliptical.
    lynnstrider thanked Flo Mangan
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    84' is a good size sofa..it's pretty versatile one. Don't go for arms that are too big..they usually just seem like they're bigger and comfier but in effect, they use too much space..and don't make a real difference

    Do go for rounded arms though if you want an option to lounge..just smaller ones, you now?

    yes, yes, that's what I meant! (your rendering) Depending on the material sofa will be -good cotton, linen, velvet, fur, wool,, mix of fabrics really would work for pillows..how many-you'll decide depending on a sofa..some sofa shapes are such they don't demand pillows at all..some do invite pillows .. and will depend on your preferences..symmetry, assymetry..whether you like repetition or not..

    you can always add a throw btw. useful. All the things you buy-be it a pillow, a throw-buy it with intention to use. Should be nice to touch. A lamp-buy something you love. Few sources beat your local estate sales, Craigslist, Nextdoor and Etsy. Table lamps are the easiest to get interesting, and for cheap.

    Of course one can get lucky in a normal store too, but in my experience -less often

    The height of a lamp will depend a) on a table's height b) on a style, to a degree. You want something that's big enough for a person who sits there. And it's more moody light..so if you need something for reading look also whether it has enough wattage in it. Or you can add another light from the other side, smth more directed. Maybe a floor light?

    I like the lamp..interestingly, I used to dislike Tiffany so much..and I used to be pretty apathetic to glass..but it slowly changes..I like glass more and more.

    (I know it's rendering only..but yes, it gives an interesting variation. Can be done with fabrics of course, metal dinishes, fringes... You get the idea)

    Depending where you live-you can go for more substantial drapes..I love mine embroidered and whatnot, but I'm a bit too much into fabrics

    I like Flo's Option 2..given guests would sometimes use the room for sleeping and all..

    lynnstrider thanked aprilneverends
  • 6 years ago

    Thanks, April! I'll keep in mind your advice about smaller-sized couch arms.

    I'm a terrible shopper (i.e., I would always rather be home reading rather than running around town hunting for goodies), but my sister loves shopping, and visits estate sales every weekend for retail therapy! Maybe it won't seem so daunting if I tag along with her, or enlist her help looking for some pieces.

    Regarding the Tiffany-style lamp, I have one elsewhere in the house that I managed to find at a garage sale in my neighborhood for $20, and my mom loves it even more than I do! When I remembered how much she enjoys that lamp, I knew I should try to find one that works in this space.

    I can't do Flo's Option 2, due to placement of the door along that wall, but I am planning to measure out the placement for the couch and door swing with tape to see if I can make an 84" or 88" work along that back wall.

  • 6 years ago

    Just checking in! I’ve been rearranging furniture and rugs—and all the “stuff” that goes on and over said-furniture and rugs—all dang day...so now I’m taking a break, which is dangerous because it’s so hard to get moving again once you sit down. As is often the case, aprilneverends and I seem to be in sync (so tempted to spell it *N Sync) when it comes to decorating (from a very quick skim, it appears she even addressed my concerns regarding your sofa style, which I’d been thinking about since I wrote my last comment!)

    Now I have to get up again (ugh) and get back in the zone. I shall return!

    lynnstrider thanked Sammy
  • PRO
    6 years ago
    Physically you can fit a 90 sofa but it will look really crunched along the window wall. But measure or better yet stack boxes up in that configuration to get the feel for the volume in your space. Put the elliptical in the place on the 7’ wall. I know from experience this is not the best look and not sure where you can put a TV?
    lynnstrider thanked Flo Mangan
  • 6 years ago

    Thanks, Sammy. Good luck with all of your rearranging! Which rooms are you working on, at the moment? I definitely hear you on how hard it is to get back moving once you sit down.

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Flo, that is a great idea to use boxes in place of the sofa, so I can get a better idea for how it will look. I will do that!

    We had planned to put a 43" TV on an articulating mount on the wall between the kitchenette window and the french doors. See the black picture in the mockup of the kitchenette, in my first post above? That is currently representing the TV, and could be tilted out to face the couch and elliptical.

    In the room photo, we do already have a recessed electrical outlet for it here. It'd just be a 43" TV, so probably not as big as the red box I've made here:

  • PRO
    6 years ago
    You will not be able to view TV very well from that position in kitchen. But you don’t have many options.
    lynnstrider thanked Flo Mangan
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    I agree, Flo, the viewing angle won't be the best (even though we got a fully articulating mount, so we will be able to tilt the TV out away from the wall, and also tilt it down toward the couch.

    One good thing about it is that if we have the elliptical on the far wall, facing in toward the room (and in toward the TV), the neck doesn't have to turn at a very sharp angle to see the TV, since the TV would be ahead and to the right. On the other hand, if we had the TV in the corner like in several of your options, the neck would have to turn at a sharper angle to see the TV from the elliptical, since the TV would be more directly to the side of the elliptical.

    I took your advice and measured out the size of the sofa I had been considering (90"), and laid towels along the floor to take up that size (didn't have the energy to dig up boxes last night). You are right; it fits, but it does look big! I need to try it with a smaller sofa size (84"), and see how I like it. I also need to try measure out the shapes of swivel chairs, to see how those would look in the space.

  • PRO
    6 years ago
    With your TV on that kitchenette wall swivel chairs would work really well. The 4 chair arrangement will make the space feel bigger and better utilized.
    lynnstrider thanked Flo Mangan
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Flo, I'm definitely still considering the swivel chair layout. Do you have any suggestions for where to find inexpensive ones?

    Our renovation went over-budget (due to an unexpected 6K to replace all the cast iron pipes in our house), and I admit I don't have much wiggle room to get this space furnished and ready for guests.

    Husband and I went around town trying out sofas and chairs today, and the one pictured above was surprisingly comfortable, and only $370 delivered (or $620 for sleeper sofa). Most swivel chairs seemed to be ~ $250 each, or more. That adds up fast for 3 or 4!

    Edited to add: It's possible we could modify this a bit and get 2 swivel chairs and 2 less expensive stationary accent chairs. Perhaps it would look something like this (although the blue chairs would face the other chairs, and would have to be turned to face the TV when needed):

  • PRO
    6 years ago
    Let me look around. I surely understand reno surprises! Any chance your family could help with Christmas gifting!? Lol. Bbl
    lynnstrider thanked Flo Mangan
  • PRO
    6 years ago
    These are small but could fit the bill. If you are tall or big people I wouldn’t recommend. For the price can’t beat. Wayfair.
    lynnstrider thanked Flo Mangan
  • PRO
    6 years ago
    Bigger chair, better quality. Nicer styling. Overstock.com
    lynnstrider thanked Flo Mangan
  • PRO
    6 years ago
    Madison Park has pretty good quality items.
    lynnstrider thanked Flo Mangan
  • 6 years ago

    Thanks! We do have some big & tall men in the family, so I probably can't go with smaller chairs. The Madison Park one you found is beautiful, if we can stretch the budget. Will have to talk it over with my hubby. Also, we'd have to be sure we can do without the sleeper sofa. Furnishing a home requires so many decisions, and so much speculating about future needs over the next 5+ years! (Or, at least it does for those of us who hope not to shop again anytime soon!)

  • PRO
    6 years ago
    Sure believe me i totally understand. My role is to provide as much knowledge, experience and options as I can so y-all can make the best decisions you can for your family. We tend to keep furniture for a long time so my last bit of advice is get the best quality you can afford and it will serve you well. Even if you only buy one good piece and wait til you can go further. You can fill in with cheap stuff even check out Target. They have improved their home goods items a lot in the last year. I will keep my eye out for you and once you decide on main furniture pieces we can figure out a proper rug.
    lynnstrider thanked Flo Mangan
  • PRO
    6 years ago
    Oh also remember if you do the chair arrangement you won’t need end tables. You can find a nice glass top coffee table at pier 1 for the center and put the money you would have spent on those cabinets on another swivel chair. You could do two stationary chairs with the two swivels on kitchenette side so they can turn to TV. That might be a way to stretch your budget. Check out some patio chairs that are on big sales now and could move to your patio when funds allow. ;)
    lynnstrider thanked Flo Mangan
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Thanks! I will check out Target, and also will think about using the cabinet-money elsewhere. That's a good point!

    I had already ordered two rugs, a 2.5 x 6 runner and a 6.5 x 9.2. They arrived today, and are SO GORGEOUS! I'm absolutely in love, and I hope they will work with the furniture! (If not, I'd be able to return.)