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Wood French or In swing Casement! Kolbe, Andersen or Marvin?

6 years ago
we're getting ready to build a house and given the style of the home were aiming to use casement inswing windows. But after doing research on all the window Brands I'm left feeling slightly more confused. So my question is what brand of Windows do you all suggest for casement inswing windows? Casement windows are already a great window style and are very energy efficient so I don't need a break the bank getting the best of the best. Windows are expensive as it is as everyone knows. So for the windows that are out there which brand do you think has a good reputation of quality and price?

Our current frontrunners are Anderson, Marvin, and Kolbe. Andersen however only carries push out French casement. Well Marvin and Kolbe have inswing. Pella also has inswing if I'm remembering correctly but I've read too many negative things about Pella from those who have used them in their home.

or if there's anyone out there who has had great experience with another brand of inswing Windows or push out French casements please let me know. where in central California so we basically have seven perfect months of moderate weatherand sometimes up to five months a very hot summer weather that extends from May to October. So heavy rain and snow is not an issue.

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