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Chinese Evergreen: Under or Overwatering

OSweetLeafx .
5 years ago

Hi everyone! I was hoping you could help me with a houseplant problem.

I've had this evergreen for a year or so and it's started to drop leaves at a steady pace for the past two months. It's lost about 14 bottom leaves and 3 more are on their way out, it still puts out new growth, though they're smaller than the older leaves. I checked the roots last month and they were white, but looked a little dry and maybe a tiny bit shriveled? I use to water it once a week or so (basically when I remembered to) but when five of the leaves yellowed and dropped of one by one I upped the watering to every four days, it hated that too so I backed off with water. I'm going to check the roots again, but I'm stumped for what's going on. The only reason I'm not devastated is because this is such a common plant and I can buy another anywhere. Still I'd rather nurse this one back to health if I can. For reference I live in Dallas Texas so the weather hasn't been that cold lately and it lives near a north west facing window, I've never moved it.

Also, if I put it in a taller pot and bury the bare stalks in dirt will it make roots there?

Here are some pictures

May of this year. Her glory days.

Taken today

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