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My friend hates gardening but loves her Dad's hostas

My best friend of 40 years hates gardening! Sometimes we are so different from each other!

We don't visit our homes too often as we are a fair distance from each other. She has always said that she planted some hosta (well, her husband did the planting) from her dad many years go. He's passed now and they hold a special place in her heart.

So when I last visited her, I decided to take a quick picture of these hosta. Wondering if you could help identify them. I know it's a bad time of year to really get a good look at them so I plan to have her take photos in the spring.

She has lots of sun---mostly likely they grow in full sun. She doesn't amend the soil nor fertilize for the most part.

The way she had described this hosta to me was that it had big leaves. I was imagining Sum and Substance. But for a hosta that had been there for many years, I thought it was way too small to be S&S. You can see the sedum beside it for scale.

I see this one as undulata.

Any guesses are appreciated!

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