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Bedroom for a 3yr old tomboy in a ponytail.

I need suggestions for colors and decorations, all on a Retired grandparents budget. I can patch, paint, repurpose (the old changing table is now board game storage), do simple construction work and lay laminate plank flooring. Curtains will be homemade by me.

9'x11' bedroom started as office and sewing room, morphed into granddaughter's baby room when her mom was temporarily unable to care for her. Granddaughter now 3, in Head Start school

- and we have a leaky roof.
Plan is to fix roof and repaint room by November.

Granddaughter is a runner, climber, take things apart kind of tomboy girl, although she hates bugs and spiders indoors. Her favorite cartoons are Paw Patrol, Peppa Pig (Peppa jumps in muddy puddles) and Super WHY!. Every color is her "favorite", except brown and black. She loves working in the garden and helping with the chickens. And - she was actually able to use a real screwdriver when we were finishing up another bedroom last month.

This shows what used to be my office accent wall and the ceiling leak. That is the damaged underside of the roof exposed. We think, hope, and pray the joists are okay. Roofer will be back next week for a closer look.

redo spare bedroom for Ava · More Info

redo spare bedroom for Ava · More Info

This is the undamaged side of the room. The small chalk paint section which was next to her dresser was good for about a year. Now it's too low and too small. I have nearly a quart of that color.

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