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Hair dying question about outgrowth

I have dark brown, almost black, wavy/curly hair that grows pretty fast. I started to get a gray streak in my hair when I was in my late 30s. It mostly didn't show with the way my hair was styled and once it did start getting more noticeable, my hairdresser suggested vegetable dye so that I would not have to deal with outgrowth. That was a great solution for a decade.

Now, I am ready to quit the vegetable dye and switch to regular color and highlights and whatever comes with that, however, my gray is all up front around my forehead- from the back I barely have any gray. I am very worried about outgrowth. I have no problem getting my hair colored once every five to six weeks, but I worry I will have very obvious outgrowth well before that.

Are there any touch up products that work? I can't imagine getting my hair colored every three weeks- that seems ridiculous and unheard of.

My mother got her hair colored every five to six weeks and you could definitely see outgrowth sooner, but it was on top of her head, and her hair was lighter than mine, so not as stark a line.

I would not mind going gray, but that is not where this is going. Leaving my hair natural results in a messy, unkempt look. I am not a fan.

I know this is a silly problem, non-problem.

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