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Help With Landscaping & Trees - Blank Slate- Come Help

6 years ago

I really need some help and ideas on what to plant where. Please! As you can see in the pics, we have a blank slate. We definitely need some shade trees, but I’m not sure where to put them. And I also want to have some flower beds, I’m thinking some curving along the front of the house and fence on right side of house.

I’m in zone 9, Houston = hot & humid. I’d prefer not to have any oak or pines, since I’m sick of the tree litter from my old yard. But preferably a couple/few fast growing shade trees and then some smaller flowering/specimen types.

The front door faces the South, so we get A LOT of sun right now. The lot is 160 feet wide (and hard to fit in one pic), with the left edge of the driveway pretty much in the center of the lot. The house is set back about 40 feet.

I also have this weird dead space to the right of the front door/left side of garage I could use help with. DH just wants to put gravel in it and be done, but ugh. I want at least a fountain or something, but also considered a small shrub or such next to the walkway and don’t want to block out anything we do there.

So I’m open to all ideas/ mockups please!

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