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Garending woes, plants being eaten or destroyed, maybe crows?

5 years ago

This is the first year i've ran into this issue.. my garden is a 40x 25 foot area in SW Pennsylvania, usa.. with a 4-6 inch wood barrier around the base and a gate.. i also have smaller chicken wire sticking up above this to further combat rabbits. (this is a suburb, non rural setting too)

I planted a large area of green beans.. some corn.. and a bunch of pepper plants, broccoli etc..

One day i came out to see my fresh bean plants ripped from the ground.. broccoli seemingly chewed off to the core or gone completely.. some of my corn cut in half and gone.. and pepper plants broke in half at the base or gone completely.. i was and still am infuriated.. never running into this before.

Every morning i see two huge crows hovering around and near the garden, and at least a few times in the garden, so i'm pretty sure they are the cause.

I thought maybe i'd sprinkle DE on all the plants to make them taste bad, but this didnt help.

At this point all i can think of is rigging up a mosquito netting above key areas, though its too expensive to cover everything everywhere.. i put aluminum foil pans to bang out there, but it hasnt helped much.. the netting is about $10 for 6x10 alone.

Anyone have any thoughts.. does this sound like the action of crows?

Thanks in advance

