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Help with “dirty dozen” ID

I’ve been through the hosta “dirty dozen”, which was very helpful! I would just like to get confirmation on my IDs, if some of you would be so kind. :)

Slug eaten Halcyon? A very beautiful cloudy blue/grey, leaves about the size of my hand or a little bigger, small to medium sized clump. One of the only hostas in my garden bothered by slugs.

Hyacinthina? Pretty small, no more than 18” tall. Leaves 3.5” or so wide. Purple scapes, bluish green leaves heart shaped.

Undulata? 2 different plants. Some leaves are pretty wavy, others mostly flat. Variegation varies with only a narrow stripe on some leaves.


Maybe green gold? Pretty unsure on this one.

Patriot? Very bright white edge, very flashy, smaller than ‘Undulata’ (presumed).

thanks for any help!!

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