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Leda with possible rose midge or chili thrips?

Deborah MN zone 4
5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago

Hello. I have a problem on my young Leda. Just planted last summer so this is the first significant bloom and I have been waiting and watching carefully. First I noticed some aphids which I wiped off. The buds appeared undamaged, but as they opened some flowers were misshapen. Most flowers were fine so I ignored it. Now today I see damaged buds. Very small buds that are completely brown and dry, larger buds are tannish and clearly in the process of dying. I don’t see any thrips in the flower petals. I have removed most of the damaged buds and spent flowers and sprayed the remaining normals buds with water. I was surprised to find the normal buds were very sticky, perhaps residue from the earlier aphid/ant visit? The aphids have been gone for at least a couple of weeks and we have had plenty of rain. Do you guys think I have taken appropriate action? If not, what do you suggest ?

I am concerned about rose midge and/or chili thrips, both would be new problems in my garden. I am attaching a couple of photos. One is out of focus, but it is impossibly windy here today.

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