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5 years ago

Lorraine Hansberry Quotes
American - Playwright May 19, 1930 - January 12, 1965

Never be afraid to sit a while and think.
Lorraine Hansberry

The problem in the world is the oppression of man by man; it this which threatens existence.
Lorraine Hansberry

The why of why we are here is an intrigue for adolescents; the how is what must command the living.
Lorraine Hansberry

A woman who is willing to be herself and pursue her own potential runs not so much the risk of loneliness, as the challenge of exposure to more interesting men - and people in general.
Lorraine Hansberry

As of today, if I am asked abroad if I am a free citizen of the United States of America, I must only say what is true: No.
Lorraine Hansberry

I think it is about time that equipped women began to take on some of the ethical questions which a male-dominated culture has produced and dissect and analyze them quite to pieces in a serious fashion. It is time that 'half the human race' had something to say about the nature of its existence.
Lorraine Hansberry

I wish to live because life has within it that which is good, that which is beautiful, and that which is love. Therefore, since I have known all of these things, I have found them to be reason enough - and I wish to live. Moreover, because this is so, I wish others to live for generations and generations and generations and generations.
Lorraine Hansberry

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