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Spring citrus pics and grafting update...

Hi guys! I have been busy getting my house in order, but wanted to post a few pics of my trees and grafts. We had a good rain last night, and with the warmer temps, my trees are exploding with warms my heart! This is Alexander, my largest Meyer, who fared better this winter compared to last. He is glorious with so many blooms!

He has a few older leaves that are a bit yellow that are gradually falling off.
My troubled bouquet de fleurs that had two leaves left after this winter, is growing back. Maybe I’ve turned the corner....I’m afraid to hope..
two finger limes!! Can’t wait to try them...when do I know if they’re ready?
genoa lemon up front loaded with buds.
my massive and gangly ST!
this is an unknown blood orange variety. I love the shape of this tree! It is a grafted RB tree I bought locally...great trouble at all
These are all the store bought mandarin twigs. This last one took a while to grow, but seems to have finally decided to sprout. All of these were cleft grafts. None of the bud grafts ended up taking even though they stayed green for a while before drying up.

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