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Damask scented HPs for NC Florida. Is this an exercise in futility?

5 years ago

I basically suffer from "Want what you can't have" syndrome.

I am interested in HPs that are strongly scented of Damask. I think the closest I've ever come to the real thing in real life is Mr. Lincoln, which my parents grew. But I refuse to spray.

Already in my garden:

Granny Grimmets

Barbara's Pasture Rose (is this La Reine?)

Baretta St. Bourbon (no idea who this really is)

Marchessa Boccella (Jaques Cartier)

These are all on the smallish side. Some blooms on the first three are on the verge of opening for the first time (my first blooms, how exciting!).

On my wish list:

Anna de Diesbach

Comtesse Cecile de Chabrillant

General Jaqueminot

Grandmother's Hat

Paul Neyron

VIck's Caprice

Yolande D'aragon

and any others that might do well for me.

I want paroxysms of ecstasy when I smell them. And I won't spray. I don't really care what they look like. But I do want repeats. Lots if possible. They will be in the backyard. Can anyone help?

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