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lilac bush and landscaping

Cindy Beilfuss
6 years ago
I let the sprouts grow under lilac bush last summer not sure if this is something that should be done or not. Thought it would help widened and thicken my bush. Thoughts?

The grass in my backyard is primarily zoysia, some other type of grass and lots of weeds because I do not believe in weed killer. The wooden fence is lined with weeds that have purple flowers on them and they seem to be attracting bees which I want. I really want to make it prettier and do some landscaping in front of fence. The Fenceline receives more shade than sun. I envision the edging wrapping it around the front of the lilacs to incorporate it all as one.

How do you think that would work? I welcome ideas and pictures.

I will research and plants native to Missouri that are great for pollinators

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