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Doug (ARG) designed our home

6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

Hi Everyone,

I’m posting our home concept in order to illicit feedback from the forum. I know we have some fantastic talents here - PPF, Mark, Virgil, cpartist, palimpset, JDS, Naf, and several posters that I’m forgetting at the moment - and I’m looking forward to your thoughts.

Something that has become very apparent to me during this process is the degree to which lifestyle affects affects the design and layout of a home. I won’t post the entire requirements documentation that we gave to Doug (it was a ton of info, including images and videos), but we feel that Doug really nailed the interior flow of the home specific to our needs.

As for the site, the summary version is that we have 10 acres in the foothills of upstate South Carolina. It is a directly north-facing property with some Blue Ridge mountain views. We wanted to maximize our views to the north and therefore kept our public spaces oriented towards that direction instead of south. Since we’re in a hot climate, I think that idea works.

Also of note is that my wife is from Finland, and you might notice that Doug has pulled some inspiration from classic Scandinavian country homes.

The aspects of the home that we’re not quite settled on yet are the exterior colors and surface treatments. We are now leaning towards a striking color, like a barn red, as opposed to going safe with a medium gray. In the concept images, Doug is breaking up the vertical mass of the front elevation with two types of lap siding, with a ‘hat band’ of sorts dividing the taller lap at the base from the shorter lap up top. He is highlighting this idea with the yellow color at the base. I don’t think we’ll go with yellow there…. we may do a consistent color throughout, but we’re very open to ideas.

I want to stress that Doug was great to work with, and I highly recommend his services. Even with the amount of info we provided, I can only imagine it is difficult to ‘read’ your clients when designing remotely, but he did a great job.

Edit: Here's a high-res image: https://flic.kr/p/26Mn4s7



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