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6 years ago

Ray Stannard Baker Quotes
American - Journalist April 17, 1870 - July 12, 1946

A large volume of adventures may be grasped within this little span of life, by him who interests his heart in everything.
Ray Stannard Baker

The very first time I was on a car in Atlanta, I saw the conductor - all conductors are white - ask a Negro woman to get up and take a seat farther back in order to make a place for a white man. I have also seen white men requested to leave the Negro section of the car.
Ray Stannard Baker

Goodness is uneventful. It does not flash, it glows.
Ray Stannard Baker

But steel bars have never yet kept out a mob; it takes something a good deal stronger: human courage backed up by the consciousness of being right.
Ray Stannard Baker

And no book gives a deeper insight into the inner life of the Negro, his struggles and his aspirations, than, The Souls of Black Folk.
Ray Stannard Baker

It is not short of amazing, the power of a great idea to weld men together. There was in it a peculiar, intense, vital spirit if you will, that I have never felt before in any strike.
Ray Stannard Baker

A mob is the method by which good citizens turn over the law and the government to the criminal or irresponsible classes.
Ray Stannard Baker

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