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pitcher plant completely red, and all leaves going crusty and brown

Hi my pitcher plant i brought from ikea used to have green on the leaves but now they've all turned completely red. Also now all the leaves, even the tiny ones in the middle, are turning brown and crispy, i fill the leaves up with rainwater and only water it with rain water, but its just not helping any ideas, its in a north-east window so gets full sun for about 4-5 hours.

I've moved it to a more shelterd part of the same north-east room, next to my ferns, as i know they grow in similar conditions, but it says full on the sticker the pot came in. it won't get any direct sun now. Also i've stuck it on a pot of moss I've been growing.

i'm just a bit stuck any ideas on how to revive it, or is it beyond repair?

Thanks :)

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