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Reminiscing - Your Shower(s)

6 years ago

Dee's thread led me to recollections of my own showers and I thought it would be a fun thread. Not a lot of rules , but please include how long ago your shower was for reference and mention some specific items you still have and use if possible.

Wedding Shower -

When: I was married August 1991, 27 years ago this August.

Register? I did register- Fortunoff's, for flatware, Macy's for some other kitchen items.

Where?Who? The shower was held at my parent's house on the patio; friends, aunt's, cousins all attended. My MIL and future SIL were not invited they both lived a few states away.

Gifts: Many of the gifts I rec'd were small appliances that have long since died, as is the way with small appliances. Just last week, I packed up the remaining pieces of my stainless flatware for some future use and purchased a new set. We were down to 4 teaspoons, it was time. My Great Aunt Helen gave me a mustard gold queen size wool blanket. It is still used, I still dont love the color. This summer I will replace the binding. I love that she gave it to me. I cherish it. I still use the pots/pans I rec'd though I did exchange the set I got for one I preferred. My Aunt Adrienne didnt care, she wanted me to be happy.

Baby Shower -

When: May 1999

Register? Yes, Babies R Us

Where?Who? I honestly don't remember where it was held- this is bothering me. Why can't I remember...... I know it was family only. I did have a shower at work too with work friends, was working with a really tight group of people then. We all still keep in touch.

Gifts: My cousin, who is a teacher gave me the best gift, a basket of books. Really young, great rhyme structure, My Mama's a Llama was a big favorite. The basket included board books, bathtime books, and fabric books as well as traditional paperbound stories. I got several homemade crocheted blankets - which I treasure and will pass to my son when/if he has a child someday. I got a stack of flannel swaddling blankets from my mom, she cuts the flannel extra big and then crochets a border, they are the softest, best blankets- they too are saved for posterity. I got an unexpected gift, a porcelain piggy bank from Tiffany's with a Savings Bond. This bank still sits on my son's dresser.

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