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Specific Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Help

Esladis Bulkin
6 years ago

Hello everybody! I need help with my fiddle leaf fig tree. I've read many posts and seen many videos on how to care for this plant, but I would like some specific advice on my particular situation...if possible. I brought home a fiddle leaf fig tree in late February, looking beautifully. I got it from a nursery which helped me repot it from its original container into a one-size larger container with drainage. While doing so, I saw they added rocks at the bottom to ensure there was even more drainage. They told me to water it when I got home from the nursery which I did with 1 cup of water and I did so again a week later with another cup. The tree is about 2'feet tall so I thought 1 cup should be enough to not over-water it as many say that is mistake #1. Through the first week and a half of being home, it grew three leaves. Then around week 2, the leaves which were growing rapidly every single day stopped completely and haven't grown ever since. In fact, Some leaves are even developing brown/dry edges. Due to this, I stopped watering it as my first thought is that maybe I over-watered and wanted to give it time to dry. But the brown/dry edges continue to get worse and now even more leaves have these edges. Even one of the new leaves that was previously growing at the top has started getting a bit of the brown edge. So here are a some other things that I'm doing with it that may clue you onto an obvious reason as to why it's dying before my eyes. Light/Location - I have it in a spot where it gets afternoon sun from the balcony doors but through sheer curtains. Fertilizer - I fertilized it for the first time today with 1 cup of water as we've just started spring and this is supposed to be its growing season. I'm using Miracle-Gro's All Purpose Plant Food. Not planning to fertilize it again for another 2-3 months as this plant food is meant to last a few months. So in total it's received 3-4 cups of water since it's been home from late February. Temperature - My home is always between 70-73 Fahrenheit. Humidity - We have a constant home humidity of 47% RH, which is a comfortable level. Not wet or dry. I really hope one of you can help me understand how to better take care of my plant. I would really wish for it to thrive in my home and grow tall. Any suggestions are appreciated. I'm attaching pics!

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