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Missing section of concrete stem on garage slab?!

I was messing around outside of the house I just bought back in September and noticed that wood chips and soil were graded rather high on the outside of my brick veneer which sits against the outside exterior wall of my garage. I wanted to make sure that the wood inside was not getting wet. This is a large garage, the second story of which is my finished office space.

I went in to investigate just how high the concrete stem goes up from the inside and noticed there is like a foot section where there is nothing at all?! There is wood framing that spans the top of it and its not wet(thank god), but why in the world would there be a foot gap in the stem? The house is 21 years old and the previous owner was an idiot so I have no idea whats gone on here. I can see through to what looks like mortar on the other side of where the stem should be, but no actual bricks. In this gap there is a bit of a dropoff where the slab ends. I am baffled. In this pic, down is up and up is down. what looks like the ceiling is my garage floor. Took it upside down to get the most of the area. The red marks are where the gap in the stem starts. This is slightly to the right of an installed glass block window.

What the hell is going on?

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