Help with very large windows in my new sewing room...
7 years ago
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My new sewing room (lotsa pics)
Comments (21)nice set up Amy.I like that corner that has the shelves with the pegs on them,and the pictures on the wall.The cabinets are very nice,and you sure were quick getting it set up.But i guess that's what they call getting our priorities in order ,right?? LOL Good job,now enjoy it. Kathi...See Moremy sewing room-any help?
Comments (10)Hi there, I've had to relocate my sewing room a couple of times and have a few 'favorites' from each move I made. I think the best type of surface are those pre-made kitchen counters from the home improvement stores. They can be cut to inset machines or your machine can be plopped on top. They provide nice wide & long areas for working. You can use pre-fab cabinet bases for the ends, or use short filing cabinets like my MIL did - great for storing patterns. Or you can maximize your leg space and use the industrial metal screw-in legs. You can even make a 'portable' cutting surface by putting locking casters on the bottoms of the legs. I always find myself defaulting to those pre-fab Sauder cabinets and wardrobes, you know the ones that come in the flat boxes at Kmart or Target? I like the adjustable shelves and they are really inexpensive. I put in a whole wall of wardrobes, drawers and cabinets at my last house. They were a lite wood color and it actually looked really sharp. I'll try to attach a picture. For individual storage units, I get a ton of use out of those photo storage boxes. Pretty enough to stack on top of cabinets and they will fit neatly inside too. Again, inexpensive. My most recent 'find' was an old 'printer's cabinet' that has to date back a hundred years. It was in the basement of the house we bought last year. It stands about 5 feet tall and 30 inches wide and has individual drawers from top to bottom, each about 2.75 inches tall. In all there are 15 drawers. Perfect for storing thread, sissors, notions, zippers, embroidery hoops, etc. I think the original purpose of the piece was to store large print stock, because when I pulled all the drawers out to clean them, I found some large red "Scarlett Fever" signs and a town newspaper dating back to 1925. Neat stuff! I saw a show on tv the other day where they covered an entire wall with cork so sketches, notes, pictures, etc could be posted with ease. What a great place to stick spare needles! Anyway, my point of this entire rant is to think outside the box. Re-purpose items. Who out there doesn't have a nail & screw bin set to store their buttons in? I got mine at Home Depot for a fraction of the cost of JoAnn's. Good luck & have fun!...See Morevery large windows help
Comments (1)That can sound a little high, if your talking about basic options (pine interior, snap in wood grilles, etc.) To get a true idea of pricing though, you'll need to split up the product and labor portions of the pricing. It may be a high labor rate that is skewing the numbers. It will also depend how much work it required to make the windows fit your openings (new trim inside/outside, painting/wallpapering, etc). It never hurts to compare other brands and other installers' pricing. This will at least keep everyone honest....See MoreHelp me Furnish & Decorate My Living Area &Dining Room of my new home
Comments (26)I love the clean, uncluttered look of your home and you've made some great furniture choices. My first thought, though, is that I would try to rework the sofa/sectional placement. It really is unwelcoming looking to me to have the back where it is facing a wall, when it could be oriented to look into the room and out the windows. It seems like if it were placed in the corner under the stairs that it would feel open and invite you to come in and sit. I'd hate to be cooking in the kitchen and have the family or guests with their backs to me. If you are having a TV in another room close by, do you need one in that room, too? If, so placing a 70" unit will probably only work as you have it. But, to me, it's not going to look like a living room but more like a movie theater, which is fine if that's what you're going for. It seems like it won't be a cozy conversation area, though. I might actually flip the rooms and put the dining room where you have the sofa now. I was looking at lights used with dining rooms and ghost chairs and saw this, maybe would work in the living room? Kind of fun. don't know if it would look as good without the colored walls though. And I thought something like these were interesting to consider for over your table:...See MoreRelated Professionals
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- 7 years ago
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