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Deep purge of my BFF's home

6 years ago

I spent the weekend with my best friend and we cleared out two truck loads of stuff. I was shocked at how eager she was to purge things-she just threw things away with abandon! A lot of stuff she was getting rid of I told her I could sell for her on some auction sites I'm familiar with-she was a beauty products consultant and had a huge box of new plastic containers, labels, organza gift bags...other crafters or people who sell at shows would love to gain that stuff at a bargain.

She had a dozen pieces of never worn LuLaRoe clothing she bought because her daughter hosted a party. That stuff sells like hot cakes.

Dozens of bottles of high end lotions, nail polish, small bottles of perfumes-all unused and never opened.

We literally filled a 33 gallon tub full of just desk supplies. I told her to go thru a hug pile of journals and date books and keep 6. The rest we're donating-there were over 20 that went to the donation site.

We went through her dresser drawers-she couldn't fit clothing in them because they were filled with empty watch boxes or other types of boxes. Cleared the top of her closet of empty boxes (iphone, ipad, all types of small electronics boxes-all empty!) and suddenly she had enough room in the top of her closet to store all her handbags, and even out of season clothing.

She would just put things where ever, in a storage ottoman we found a throw blanket, an umbrella, a large cat toy, paper, paper, paper and I can't even recall what else. In the now emptied space we put a sleeping bag, an inflatable bed and a pillow-for if a grandchild spends the night. She admitted she never thought to do that-she stuffed those things into a coat closet-that was bursting at the seams due to just being disorganized.

I literally went through boxes and boxes and bag of things she'd just throw in there because she didn't know what to do with them. We sorted by category and I had her then go through and do a fast sort of what she knew for a fact she wanted to get rid of-that resulted in 5 giant plastic garbage bags full of purged items.

DH and his employee came over and hauled it all downstairs and helped move her furniture around. We hung some pictures she's wanted to hang for 8 years!

This morning she was walking around with a huge grin on her face-she's beyond thrilled and she told me she feels like a giant weight has been lifted. There is still a lot to sort through and finish organizing/purging, but she can walk thru her place and see clear spaces. She can now walk into the second bedroom-and she LOVES her new desk space in her former dining room.

I ended up coming down with a cold, other wise I think I could have done a lot more, but it's a huge step and to see my best friend happy and relaxed was worth it.

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