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2018 January Block Lotto

6 years ago

The lotto is beginner friendly and is open to everyone!

Here’s the drill:

- you will have 1, 2, or 3 chances to win each month, depending on how many blocks you submit (please note that you may send in more blocks, but you will be limited to 3 chances)

- please make blocks measuring 12.5 inches x 12.5 inches (unfinished/12” finished)

- please follow all instructions (please see green hyperlink below) for the designated block pattern including color/fabric requirements

- blocks must be received by the end of the month to be included in the monthly lotto drawing

- include your name, mailing address, forum name and $1 per lotto month (not per block) to cover postage for the winning blocks

- if possible, attach your name to the back of each block or write your name in the seam allowance with a fabric pen so the winner knows who made the block (this is not a requirement, just a request)

- if possible, please post a photo of your blocks on the monthly thread (this is not a requirement, just a request)

2018 blocks are to be sent to Valarie (littlehelen_gw). She will collect the blocks, determine the winner, and send the blocks to the winner. If you need her mailing address, please contact her via email at vgmcneese (at) comcast (dot) net.

Fabric requirements for the lotto are also kept simple with the intent that you are able to use fabric from your stash. All fabric used in the lotto should be 100% quilting cotton and may or may not be pre washed. A certain amount of variation is great and it's what gives these group quilts their depth and character, but please try to stay within fabric requirements so your blocks 'play well with others'.

- Where it says white that means solid white or white-on-white (WOW) prints that read as white

January – Mini Bow Tie – 12" Block – White/Any 1930’s Reproduction Prints (please use 4 different 30’s fabrics per block – 1 for each bowtie)

Mini Bow Tie Instructions

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