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Peperomia Obtusifolia help

Hello! My Peperomia obtusifolia is dropping leaves, maybe 2-4 per day. It seems as though the base of the stem where it attches to the branch turns brown and they drop off from that point. It's mostly healthy looking, plump leaves that drop, but some go all soft and then turn brown. Just in the past couple days I've had a couple branches go limp as well (even though the plant is freshly watered).

It sits in a medium light location (winter light.. this spot gets brighter light in summer, but it still dropped its leaves then). I water it when dry which is about every week to 10 days. At first I thought it was dropping leaves because I might be overwatering, so I decided to let it dry out a little more than usual. But then I woke up one morning and the plant was totally limp! So I really don't think its being overwatered. Honeslty I'm wondering if it's too much plant for this pot. Maybe it needs repotting? Honeslty I don't know but I'm reaching out for help BEFORE it becomes totally naked! Any insight appriciated! :)

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