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Small, narrow living room - help!

7 years ago

Hello! I just moved into this renovated 1940 bungalow from a modern condo. The previous homeowners added a staircase, which shrinks the living room. I have a few questions/ideas and need help figuring out how to arrange everything. Nothing needs to stay where it is. The sofa could move a bit further from the door, but if it moves closer to the door it sits at a large angle from the TV.

* The wall over the sofa is giving me a hard time. The large painting isn't centered over the sofa but it's centered on the wall. Put together a gallery wall to fill the odd shaped space? Put up fun printed wallpaper and nothing else?

* I'm thinking an area rug would help define the space. What color or pattern would look best?

* I'd like to add 1-2 chairs for guests (I pulled the 2 beige chairs from my dining table to test it out). What type and color/pattern would look best? I'm not a huge pattern person, but maybe something subtle or geometric?

* The storage bench to the left of the fireplace was just stuck there to cover wires running along the baseboard, what might look better?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


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