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Georg Buchner Quotes
German - Dramatist October 17, 1813 - February 19, 1837

We are only puppets, our strings are being pulled by unknown forces.
Georg Buchner

How many women does one need to sing the scale of love all the way up and down?
Georg Buchner

The stars are scattered all over the sky like shimmering tears, there must be great pain in the eye from which they trickled.
Georg Buchner

A good man with a good conscience doesn't walk so fast.
Georg Buchner

One must love humanity in order to reach out into the unique essence of each individual: no one can be too low or too ugly.
Georg Buchner

Revolution is like Saturn, it devours its own children.
Georg Buchner

Peace to the shacks! War on the palaces!
Georg Buchner

That is a long word: forever!
Georg Buchner

Dying people often become childish.
Georg Buchner

Death is the most blessed dream.
Georg Buchner

Whoever finishes a revolution only halfway, digs his own grave.
Georg Buchner

We are always on stage, even when we are stabbed in earnest at the end.
Georg Buchner

There are only Epicureans, either crude or refined; Christ was the most refined.
Georg Buchner

They say in the grave there is peace, and peace and the grave are one and the same.
Georg Buchner

Love is a peculiar thing.
Georg Buchner

Your words smell of corpses.
Georg Buchner

The life of the wealthy is one long Sunday.
Georg Buchner

We have not made the Revolution, the Revolution has made us.
Georg Buchner

Government must be a transparent garment which tightly clings to the people's body.
Georg Buchner

The strides of humanity are slow, they can only be counted in centuries.
Georg Buchner

The world is chaos. Nothingness is the yet-to-be-born god of the world.
Georg Buchner

I'll know how to die with courage; that is easier than living.
Georg Buchner

The revolutionary government is the despotism of liberty against tyranny.
Georg Buchner

The weapon of the Republic is terror, and virtue is its strength.
Georg Buchner

The death clock is ticking slowly in our breast, and each drop of blood measures its time, and our life is a lingering fever.
Georg Buchner

Raise your eyes and count the small gang of your oppressors who are only strong through the blood they suck from you and through your arms which you lend them unwillingly.
Georg Buchner

The breath of an aristocrat is the death rattle of freedom.
Georg Buchner

The power of the people and the power of reason are one.
Georg Buchner

You women could make someone fall in love even with a lie.
Georg Buchner

The statue of Freedom has not been cast yet, the furnace is hot, we can all still burn our fingers.
Georg Buchner

Shinichi Suzuki Quotes
Japanese - Educator October 17, 1898 - January 26, 1998

Children learn to smile from their parents.
Shinichi Suzuki

Tone has the living soul.
Shinichi Suzuki

Any child can be developed, it depends on how you do it.
Shinichi Suzuki

Music exists for the purpose of growing an admirable heart.
Shinichi Suzuki

It is necessary to be concerned about the importance of educating a really beautiful human spirit.
Shinichi Suzuki

Knowledge is not skill. Knowledge plus ten thousand times is skill.
Shinichi Suzuki

The fate of a child is in the hands of his parents.
Shinichi Suzuki

Art exists for the human species. I think that all of the people who love art, those who teach art, and all of you should burn with the obligation to save the world.
Shinichi Suzuki

Art is not in some far-off place. A work of art is the expression of a man's whole personality, sensibility and ability.
Shinichi Suzuki

What is man's ultimate direction in life? It is to look for love, truth, virtue, and beauty.
Shinichi Suzuki

Every child grows; everything depends on the teacher.
Shinichi Suzuki

Art expresses man.
Shinichi Suzuki

Man is a child of his environment.
Shinichi Suzuki

When love is deep, much can be accomplished.
Shinichi Suzuk]

Arthur Miller Quotes
American - Playwright October 17, 1915 - February 10, 2005

Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets.
Arthur Miller

Can anyone remember love? It's like trying to summon up the smell of roses in a cellar. You might see a rose, but never the perfume.
Arthur Miller

Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.
Arthur Miller

The apple cannot be stuck back on the Tree of Knowledge; once we begin to see, we are doomed and challenged to seek the strength to see more, not less.
Arthur Miller

Let you look sometimes for the goodness in me, and judge me not.
Arthur Miller

Don't be seduced into thinking that that which does not make a profit is without value.
Arthur Miller

I think it's a mistake to ever look for hope outside of one's self.
Arthur Miller

I love her too, but our neuroses just don't match.
Arthur Miller

Man must shape his tools lest they shape him.
Arthur Miller

Never fight fair with a stranger, boy. You'll never get out of the jungle that way.
Arthur Miller

If I see an ending, I can work backward.
Arthur Miller

Without alienation, there can be no politics.
Arthur Miller

You specialize in something until one day you find it is specializing in you.
Arthur Miller

A good newspaper, I suppose, is a nation talking to itself.
Arthur Miller

The problem was to sustain at any cost the feeling you had in the theater that you were watching a real person, yes, but an intense condensation of his experience, not simply a realistic series of episodes.
Arthur Miller

A playwright lives in an occupied country. And if you can't live that way you don't stay.
Arthur Miller

If I have any justification for having lived it's simply, I'm nothing but faults, failures and so on, but I have tried to make a good pair of shoes. There's some value in that.
Arthur Miller

What is the most innocent place in any country? Is it not the insane asylum? These people drift through life truly innocent, unable to see into themselves at all.
Arthur Miller

All we are is a lot of talking nitrogen.
Arthur Miller

The theater is so endlessly fascinating because it's so accidental. It's so much like life.
Arthur Miller

A suicide kills two people, Maggie, that's what it's for!
Arthur Miller

Well, all the plays that I was trying to write were plays that would grab an audience by the throat and not release them, rather than presenting an emotion which you could observe and walk away from.
Arthur Miller

Everybody likes a kidder, but nobody lends him money.
Arthur Miller

The structure of a play is always the story of how the birds came home to roost.
Arthur Miller

Certainly the most diverse, if minor, pastime of literary life is the game of Find the Author.
Arthur Miller

A child's spirit is like a child, you can never catch it by running after it; you must stand still, and, for love, it will soon itself come back.
Arthur Miller

He's not the finest character that ever lived. But he's a human being, and a terrible thing is happening to him. So attention must be paid.
Arthur Miller

Where choice begins, Paradise ends, innocence ends, for what is Paradise but the absence of any need to choose this action?
Arthur Miller

The closer a man approaches tragedy the more intense is his concentration of emotion upon the fixed point of his commitment, which is to say the closer he approaches what in life we call fanaticism.
Arthur Miller

The job is to ask questions-it always was-and to ask them as inexorably as I can. And to face the absence of precise answers with a certain humility.
Arthur Miller

I think now that the great thing is not so much the formulation of an answer for myself, for the theater, or the play-but rather the most accurate possible statement of the problem.
Arthur Miller

You cannot catch a child's spirit by running after it; you must stand still and for love it will soon itself return.
Arthur Miller

I have made more friends for American culture than the State Department. Certainly I have made fewer enemies, but that isn't very difficult.
Arthur Miller

I cannot sleep for dreaming; I cannot dream but I wake and walk about the house as though I'd find you coming through some door.
Arthur Miller

I'm the end of the line; absurd and appalling as it may seem, serious New York theater has died in my lifetime.
Arthur Miller

In the theater, while you recognized that you were looking at a house, it was a house in quotation marks. On screen, the quotation marks tend to be blotted out by the camera.
Arthur Miller

I know that my works are a credit to this nation and I dare say they will endure longer than the McCarran Act.
Arthur Miller

He wants to live on through something-and in his case, his masterpiece is his son. all of us want that, and it gets more poignant as we get more anonymous in this world.
Arthur Miller

The number of elements that have to go into a hit would break a computer down. the right season for that play, the right historical moment, the right tonality.
Arthur Miller

It is my art. I am better at it than I ever was. And I will do it as long as I can. When you reach a certain age you can slough off what is unnecessary and concentrate on what is. And why not?
Arthur Miller

Robert Jordan Quotes
American - Writer October 17, 1948 - September 16, 2007

Fantasy is an area where it is possible to talk about right and wrong, good and evil, with a straight face. In mainstream fiction and even in a good deal of mystery, these things are presented as simply two sides of the same coin. Never really more than a matter of where you happen to be standing.
Robert Jordan

You have to have talent to some extent - I certainly hope I have talent - but you have to have luck as well. Once you get that first shot, that will get you noticed for the rest of your books and that will give the rest of your books a better chance.
Robert Jordan

I think that quite often you can only find a choice between bad and worse. But I think it's worth making the effort, and I like to expose my characters to that sort of situation.
Robert Jordan

I'm not certain that I draw from any one culture more than others. Many myths and legends of many different cultures are really the same story when you get to the heart of it. They are often cultural cautionary tales about how we should behave and how we should live.
Robert Jordan

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