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Aloe Vera Leaf Rooting Tip!!!

6 years ago

Photo 1

Photo 2

Hey green thumbs,

I had two new aloe vera that I just bought. The first one look pretty healthy with strong leaf. The second one, is pretty healthy but it has soft leaves, like not REALLY soft. Anyways, after a couple of days, both of the aloe vera recieved the same type of watering, same type of sunlight. But the second aloe vera, hmmm lets call her B is kinda collapsing. So hey, I thought it was no big deal at first, but to my horror. The second day, the bottom of B is turning black and soft. Then I realized; Root Rot. So on the third day, B’s leaves all fell down except for a few, I decided to propagate them and yes, I know there is very little chance that they are going to survive, but hey, that didnt mean its impossible. So I cut out three leaves, and yes they are at least 8 cm, or 3.15 in. I left them in my window sill and the first leaf which is the long one callus over.(see photo 2 on top)

the other two leaves, oh yes forgot to mention I just cut them today so they haven’t callus over. But the thing is are they going to callus? Are they going to rot before they callus? What can I do to make this propagation successful? Can honey act as a rooting Hormone? Thank you for all your answer, and feel free to ask me about the conditions.

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