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6 years ago

Augustus Baldwin Longstreet Quotes
American - Lawyer September 22, 1790 - September 9, 1870

It is said that a hundred gamecocks will live in perfect harmony together it you do not put a hen with them; and so it would have been with Billy and Bob, had there been no women in the world.
Augustus Baldwin Longstreet

All the knowing ones were consulted as to the issue, and they all agreed, to a man, in one of two opinions: either that Bob would flog Billy, or Billy would flog Bob.
Augustus Baldwin Longstreet

I looked, and saw that Bob had entirely lost his left ear, and a large piece from his left cheek. His right eye was a little discoloured, and the blood flowed profusely from his wounds.
Augustus Baldwin Longstreet

Language cannot describe the scene that followed; the shouts, oaths, frantic gestures, taunts, replies, and little fights; and therefore I shall not attempt it.
Augustus Baldwin Longstreet

But there were women in the world, and from them each of our heroes had taken to himself a wife. The good ladies were no strangers to the prowess of their husbands. and, strange as it may seem, they presumed a little upon it.
Augustus Baldwin Longstreet

During the session of the Supreme Court, in the village of -, about three weeks ago, when a number of people were collected in the principal street of the village, I observed a young man riding up and down the street, as I supposed, in a violent passion.
Augustus Baldwin Longstreet

He was a horse of goodly countenance, rather expressive of vigilance than fire; though an unnatural appearance of fierceness was thrown into it by the loss of his ears, which had been cropped pretty close to his head.
Augustus Baldwin Longstreet

In the younger days of the Republic there lived in the county of - two men, who were admitted on all hands to be the very best men In the county; which, in the Georgia vocabulary, means they could flog any other two men in the county.
Augustus Baldwin Longstreet

Ned made a tremendous rattling, at which Bullet took fright, broke his bridle, and dashed off in grand style; and would have stopped all farther negotiations by going home in disgust, had not a traveller arrested him and brought him back; but Kit did not move.
Augustus Baldwin Longstreet

The former measured six feet and an inch in his stockings, and, without a single pound of cumbrous flesh about him, weighed a hundred and eighty. The latter was an inch shorter than his rival, and ten pounds lighter; but he was much the most active of the two.
Augustus Baldwin Longstreet

There's no sort o' mistake in little Bullet. He can pick up miles on his feet, and fling 'em behind him as fast as the next man's hoss, I don't care where he comes from. And he can keep at it as long as the sun can shine without resting.
Augustus Baldwin Longstreet

Michael Faraday Quotes
English - Scientist September 22, 1791 - August 25, 1867

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature.
Michael Faraday

The important thing is to know how to take all things quietly.
Michael Faraday

The lecturer should give the audience full reason to believe that all his powers have been exerted for their pleasure and instruction.
Michael Faraday

Water is to me, I confess, a phenomenon which continually awakens new feelings of wonder as often as I view it.
Michael Faraday

Alice Meynell Quotes
English - Poet September 22, 1847 - November 27, 1922

Happiness is not a matter of events; it depends upon the tides of the mind.
Alice Meynell

The true colour of life is the colour of the body, the colour of the covered red, the implicit and not explicit red of the living heart and the pulses. It is the modest colour of the unpublished blood.
Alice Meynell

Our fathers valued change for the sake of its results; we value it in the act.
Alice Meynell

Let a man turn to his own childhood - no further - if he will renew his sense of remoteness, and of the mystery of change.
Alice Meynell

A child is beset with long traditions. And his infancy is so old, so old, that the mere adding of years in the life to follow will not seem to throw it further back - it is already so far.
Alice Meynell

If there is a look of human eyes that tells of perpetual loneliness, so there is also the familiar look that is the sign of perpetual crowds.
Alice Meynell

Spirit of place! It is for this we travel, to surprise its subtlety; and where it is a strong and dominant angel, that place, seen once, abides entire in the memory with all its own accidents, its habits, its breath, its name.
Alice Meynell

The sense of humor has other things to do than to make itself conspicuous in the act of laughter.
Alice Meynell

It is easy to replace man, and it will take no great time, when Nature has lapsed, to replace Nature.
Alice Meynell

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