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August 2017, Week 2

Good Morning from wet and soggy southern OK. How's everyone this morning? I hope you all got rain (if you wanted more) and had no surprise tornadoes.

It finally rained here and now it is going to be too wet to work in the garden for a few days, though I might harvest cucumbers, peppers and squash later. After being missed by all the rain that fell everywhere else but here over the last week, we finally got our big monster storm last night, along with power outages, downed tree limbs, tons of thunder and lightning and rain, rain, rain. I was too excited to sleep so I just laid awake until almost 3 a.m listening to the rain. We got 3.4". There's no big trees down that I can see in our yard up around the house. Our power flickered several times, but never went out to stay. We are luckier than others as scattered power outages occurred regionwide.

I hope this rainfall revives our tired, parched garden plants and grass. Best of all, I won't have to turn on the water hose and make Augustus the turkey a wading puddle this morning, because Mother Nature made dozens of them for him.

So, what's up with everyone else today? I'm mostly going to be cleaning house because that was my plan whether it rained or not. I intend to do a little canning this afternoon. Maybe I'll dig out the seeds and start some for fall. It is late, but I wasn't going to plant anything if the rain just kept missing us like it has for the past month.


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