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Looking for similar to sunflower for winter (SoCal)

I planted a few mammoth sunflowers this year, and they have almost reached their 10' mark. They fit in really well for what I wanted - tall, skinny plants that add some color. The flowers do only face East, but that's okay - adds some bright sunny color to those driving by behind my house.

Is there anything similar to a sunflower that favors winter - tall, skinny, colorful, and if it's edible that's definitely a bonus.

While the sunflowers are almost 10', 7-8' would be fine as well for the winter option.

I don't want it to be something too viney like that might need a trellis - bougainvillea comes to mind.

But once the drivers-by, on their way to a stressful job, get hooked on my small burst of sunshine, I don't want to then send them into a depression come winter time when they are gone :-)

The photo was taking facing mostly East, if that helps to know, probably about noon.

