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Harvesting garlic/single bulb/clove of garlic

I planted garlic (silver white) for the first time in late September of 2016.I am west of Fort Worth 1 hour and we had a very mild winter. The tops grew and are very tall and have been very green. A few are starting to to turn brown. I've only dug up a couple of plants but they only have a single bulb, not cloves of garlic. According to the desciption of "silver white" garlic on (where I ordered it from) it says it is the last garlic to mature each season. But I don't know when that should be.

I don't know if I should harvest the rest? If I wait will I get cloves? I read this can happen with a mild winter. Not sure if that was the problem or if I need to wait longer but now I don't know what to do.

If I don't have any that formed cloves will I have to order garlic again to plant next fall or can I plant these single bulbs in the fall?

Also, what can I do with them? I intended to dehydrate the garlic and make garlic powder but now I don't know what my options are.

Thank you,


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