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Kitchen Counter Top Selections

I had selected Caesarstone Vivid White for my countertops. The company called me back and advised that Vivid White has been discontinued. Back to looking and making a decision again. Now I truly like Bianco Giaio by Color Quartz. I had never heard of Color Quartz so looked it up. It is a quartz made in China. I have been advised that the process they use is the Samsung process.

Have any of you ever heard of it and/or used it? If so, what has been your experience?
We have tested the sample I have by: leaving ketchup and mustard on it overnight - no stain whatsoever; putting vinegar on it and setting a heavy metal can on it and leaving it for more overnight - no etching, but a very dim partial ring was seen, but oiling it with olive oil did away with that; putting a slice of lemon on it for more than overnight - no etching or discoloration at all.

I am really liking this quartz right now. Just wish I could find out more about it. Your input will be very appreciated.

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