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More RRD Victims... do symptoms show up with heat?

So these roses are going to be removed from my yard due to RRD:
-Can can (finally did a great spring flush this year, its 3rd)
-Pink Double Knockout (I used to have 14 knock outs, after this one is removed I will have 3, all others lost to RRD)
-Unknown red hybrid tea

One thing all these have in common is that they showed symptoms late summer last year, I cut the symptomatic canes down really good, in the case of the hybrid tea and the pink double knockout, I cut them down to the ground literally in the fall, hoping to stop the virus before it gets to the root system. They call came up in the spring, did a good spring flush, the double knock out even grew to 3 feet, and then only now are their new growths showing signs of RRD.

I'm wondering, does the heat have anything to do with when symptoms re-appear? Why didn't they show the symptoms on that first flush of new growth?

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