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New Haworthias Shriveling

Katherine (SC 9a)
6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

Hello! This is my first post here, I'm newish to succulents and I got my first succulents in March and have continued to grow my collection since then. I've been reading this forum since then as well and I've found excellent advice here!

Well on June 8 I received four haworthias in the mail from Crest Mountain Gardens. When I received them they looked beautiful and healthy, but the soil was clearly water-retaining and there was even a little moss growing on the soil of two of them. I knew I would need to get them out of the soil ASAP. On June 9, I depotted them, cleared off the soil. I rinsed the roots in water as well, so based on my research here I figured I should let them dry out over night and allow any possible torn roots to heal a little bit. Also, the roots were very healthy, lots of them and a nice white color.

On June 10, about 24 hours after I depotted them, I put them into new pots (with drainage holes!) with C&S soil with 50-60% perlite. The soil had been sitting out for 1-2 days, so it was mostly dry (as opposed to being damp right after coming out of the bag). At this point they all had started to shrivel a little bit, especially the haworthia planifolia which seemed to be closing up. They were even more shriveled the next day. I had read on this forum not to water immediately after potting and to wait 1-2 weeks before watering (to avoid root rot), so I did not water. I went out of town then for several days, leaving my succulents inside as usual, sitting in front of a closed window (well, rather 2 large windows) that get some sunlight in the late late afternoon/sunset). So they really weren't getting much direct sunlight.

I returned to town on June 15 to find my planifolia even more closed up. At this point, I thought that I should probably water the four haworthias, so I gave each a thorough watering. I thought that after a day or two they might start to plump up again, but they haven't and the planifolia has closed up a little more and three of the outer leaves are really drying up and turning yellow. I watered again on June 18 because the soil was nearly dry already. Today I see no improvemenets. I'm less concerned about the other 3 haworthia's because although they have shriveled a little bit, it does not appear to have gotten worse, and hasn't been as dramatic as the planifolia. All four seem to still have their roots as a light tugged did not budge them from the soil.

My question is, is this normal haworthia behavior? I know that they can take a little while to adjust to new soil. Should I be worried about them? Will they eventually plump up? I understand that I may just have to be patient, but I wanted to ask here just in case. I'm new to this type of haworthia, as I have only had attenuatas (or at least ones that look like that) until now. I am hoping it isn't a lost cause because I thought that little planifolia was so pretty when I got it. I'm attaching pictures that track the appearance and added #s to the photos for identification (my phone makes them look greener than they really are). Thanks in advance for any help!

#1 Haworthia Planifolia

#2 Haworthia Turgida (Red Form)

#3 Haworthia turgida v. seberecta

#4 Haworthia cuspidata

This last photo was taken yesterday showing the yellowing leaves.(Also, I've now moved this one away from the window to avoid the bright light)

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