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Blooming on Monday

Our heat has departed, but it is so windy today it is hard to take pictures.

I'll start with the small flowered ones. This is School Bus.

Broadway Sparkler is a rather large plant.

I love the color of Broadway Spotlight.

Madeline Nettles Eyes is a quite small flower. (By the way, the name bugs me. I want to put an apostrophe in Nettles.)

Now for the big ones. . .

Aaron Brown had a nice flower open today.

Dr Jules Michael Vinkman is one of my favorites.

Get Jiggy was showing just a bit of the pattern today.

Tropical Fusion is one of our favorite oranges.

Patricia Ann's Calliopsis is new to the garden. I think I like it.

There were several seedling queens to pick from today, but Bob picked this one. It is Horsing Around X Bristling Fury. (Please pardon my hand. The scape was leaning on the name tag and I had to straighten it.)


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